IEP Financial Limited – Client Charges

We are a financial planning business, focused on helping you understand and plan for your financial future. This information is designed to give you an idea of:

  • What we do and how we do it (our services)
  • What it’s likely to cost and how you can pay us

More detailed information is available from our website at

This document provides details about our services to you and how we charge, so it’s important that you read it fully. If there is something you don’t understand please ask us to explain it.

1. Our services

Whatever financial decisions you have to make, the first step towards making the right decisions is to establish a clear understanding of your financial needs.

People seek financial advice for many different reasons so it’s important that we understand exactly who you are and what you want to achieve. At our first meeting we’ll gather information about you to help define your needs and priorities.

Our services include:

  • Financial planning: It’s important to identify what you might want to achieve and how you can do this. We can help you to identify your goals and create a plan for your finances to help you achieve them.
  • Retirement planning: It’s important to know whether the money you are saving towards retirement will provide you with sufficient funds to meet your retirement objectives. We can work with you to proactively plan for your retirement and help you decide on the options available once at retirement.
  • Protection planning: Most of us want to protect the things that are important to us, our family, business and quality of life. Protection planning can help to provide peace of mind in the event of your income changing due to unexpected events. We can help you plan for the best way to protect you, your family or your business.

We’ll only start work once we have agreed our services and charges with you. We’ll give you a copy of our Client Agreement which will set out the services we have agreed to provide and confirm how much this will cost.

2. Our advice

We offer independent investment advice.

This means that we consider a wide range of financial strategies and products. We are constantly reviewing the market to ensure that the services and products we offer are appropriate for our clients.

Where we recommend particular investment strategies and products to you these will be selected based on your personal circumstances, financial goals and objectives.  We`ll consider a number of factors, including the services you need, the cost of investing, how much risk you are prepared to accept in an investment product and how much of a drop in its value you could withstand.

The areas we can advise on include:

 Open ended investment companies  Enterprise investment scheme Phased retirement & income drawdown
Unit trusts Structured products, incl. structured deposits Term assurance
ISAs Venture capital trusts Critical illness cover
Investment bonds Pensions Income protection
Exchange traded funds Annuities Long term care
Investment trusts

We don’t provide advice in relation to individual share holdings. If this is something you need assistance with, we can refer you to a stockbroker.

We don’t provide advice on options, futures and other derivative contracts as we believe that these are unlikely to be suitable for our clients

For further details please refer to our website.

Where we provide protection planning services we are an insurance intermediary and will provide advice which is based on a fair and personal analysis of the market.

3. Our charges

The way we are paid for our services may depend on the type of advice given. Typically, this will be:

  • Investment business: fees agreed and paid by you
  • Insurance business: commission payable by the insurance provider, which is a percentage of the total annual premium

Where we are paid by commission we’ll tell you the amount before we carry out any business for you. Any commission we receive from the product provider can be used to offset any fee payable.

More details on these options and how they are paid is found in the following sections on initial and ongoing charges.

Our charges fall into the following categories:

  1. Initial charges: these are the upfront costs of our services. We offer several types of initial service depending on your needs.
  2. Ongoing charges: once your financial plan is in place it is important to keep it under review so it can be adapted, where necessary, as your circumstances change. Our ongoing services are designed to do this.

Our actual charges and fees (in pounds and pence) will be agreed with you before we do any work and we’ll explain your payment options too. We’ll also let you know where any fees are subject to VAT.

Initial Charges

Financial Planning and Wealth Management

  • An initial meeting to find out more about you (we don’t charge for this initial meeting)
  • Agreeing your financial goals and objectives
  • Establishing your attitude to and understanding of risks
  • Reviewing your current plans, investment and assets
  • Undertaking research to identify appropriate plans and solutions
  • Assessing the potential impact of key events on your plans
  • Providing a personalised report and recommendations
  • A face to face meeting to discuss our recommendations
  • Implementation of agreed recommendations
4% of an investment under £100,000

3% of an investment between £100,000 and £500,000, capped at £10,000

2% of an investment above £500,000

Our typical charge for £50,000 is £2,000
Our typical charge for £200,000 is £6,000
Our typical charge for £500,000 is £10,000

We’ll provide you with a personalised quote for the work to be carried out before starting any work.
Advisory ‘Fixed Price’ examples include;

a) Initial discovery and analysis report
b) Providing a second opinion
c) Critique of existing portfolio
d) IHT and Estate Planning Advice from:
e) Pensions and Divorce work from:

a) £500.00
b) £500.00
c) £1,000.00
d) £1,000.00
e) £1,500.00
Advisory ‘hourly priced’ work;

a) Adviser from:
b) Technician/Paraplanner from:
c) Administration/secretarial from:

a) £300.00 per hour
b) £175.00 per hour
c) £75.00 per hourAn example of providing a review of your protection needs, our average charges are as follows:

  • Adviser: 2 hours @ £300 per hour = £600.00
  • Administrator: 3 hours @ £75 per hour = £225

Total cost = £825.00

 Payment Options
 Initial charges can be paid in a number of ways:

  • Payment via deductions from the financial product(s) you invest in or (if relevant) deductions from the amount invested with a discretionary fund manager (DFM). Most product providers / DFMs offer this facility but using it will reduce the amount you have left to invest and may, depending on your circumstances, have other consequences (we’ll discuss this with you beforehand).
  • If, as a result of our recommendations, you take out a regular contribution product where investments are made on a monthly, quarterly or annual basis), it may be possible to have our initial charges deducted from the product in instalments (where the provider is able to offer this facility). In such cases, our normal approach will be for the payment to be spread over a maximum of 12 months. Here’s an example to show how this could work based on a £500 per month policy:
    The initial charge for our service is £1,250.
    The monthly charge over 12 months is £1,250 divided by 12 = £104.16.
    Each month you pay the premium of £500, but for the first 12 months your product provider pays us
    £104.16 of that £500.
    For the first 12 months – £395.84 is invested/ £104.16 pays our initial charge.
  • In some limited circumstances (for protection planning only) we may receive commission from a product provider in relation to an insurance product we have arranged for you. The amount of commission is a percentage of the total annual premium and we’ll tell you the amount before we carry out business for you.

Ongoing charges

If you agree to purchase an ongoing service, unless otherwise agreed, the service will be provided as a follow up to the initial service.

 Ongoing Service  Ongoing Charges
The IEP Financial Review Service

  • Changes to client circumstances
    Review of financial strategy
    Summary of investment performance since last review
    Key drivers to performance
    Summary of economy and outlook
    Provide updates on changes to tax legislation
    Opportunities that are present
    Discuss changes to investment strategy and asset allocation
    Review protection and mortgage
    Review IHT position, to include wills and LPAs
Our annual ongoing charge for this service range between 0.75% and 1.25% of the total market value of the investments funds that we manage on your behalf. The agreed % is dependent on the value of assets under management and the services required.

  • For a fund of £100,000, our fee at 0.75% of £100,000 = £750 per annum
  • For a fund of £500,000 our fee at 0.75% of £500,000 = £3,750 per annum
  • For a fund of £100,000, where our fee is 1.25% of £100,000 = £1,250 per annum
  • For a fund of £500,000 our fee would be 1.25% of £500,000 = £6,250 per annum

Please note that our charges will increase and decrease in line with the value of your investment funds and are typically calculated and deducted monthly by the provider.

 Payment Options
 Ongoing charges can be paid in a number of ways:
  • By deduction from your investment(s) on a monthly, quarterly, six-monthly or annual basis, where the product / platform provider or DFM is able to offer this facility.
  • By direct payment on a monthly, quarterly, , six-monthly or annual basis on an agreed method of calculation.

4. Other charges

Depending on the services we provide, there may be costs and charges (including taxes), not charged by us, but related to the financial products we arrange for you. These charges may be one-off charges (payable up front) or charges payable on an ongoing basis. For example:

  • Service costs: If your investments are held on a platform (an online investment administration service) or held with a DFM, the platform provider / DFM will make a charge for administering / managing your investments.
  • Investment costs: These are the costs relating to the manufacturing and managing of your investments – for example, fees charged by the investment fund manager, costs relating to investment transactions.
  • We’ll always disclose any third-party costs as part of making our recommendations.

Aggregated costs and charges
Before we provide you with our advice we will add together all the costs and charges payable so that you are able to understand the overall costs of our services and recommendations. This is referred to as aggregated costs and charges information and will be contained in our suitability report.